Early check-out with automatic posting.
Re-check-in (reactivate room) even next day and later.
Guest folio: account, provisional account, copy of
account, weekly account, selected items.
Different folio formats can be selected.
Group or family bills can be sorted by room number
or date.
Folio names and address can be changed by simply clicking
the incorrect name.
Items/payments can be directly
posted on the
check-out screen.
Foreign currency fully supported.
Posted items can be edited, split or transferred to
another (guest) folio.
Group masters and individual rooms handled on the
same screen.
If required, items and packages can be
totaled per
day or per stay or even mixed.
Bills can be printed in the guest's language.
2 different addresses can be printed on the guest
folio (required in some countries for tax purposes).
Telephone-interface [optional].